Holiday World & Splashin' Safari
Santa Claus, Indiana
Coasterbuzz Fall Affair
October 1, 2005
Page Eleven

The Coasterbuzz Fall Affair at Holiday World, Santa Claus, Indiana

The final ride of the night was left for the crew running The Raven.  They got a well deserved back seat ride to close out the night at the park.

The Coasterbuzz Fall Affair at Holiday World, Santa Claus, Indiana

Of course after the final rides the fun wasn't over as a bunch of us headed on over to the Lake Rudolph campground for a nice fire and more importantly to hang out.

The Coasterbuzz Fall Affair at Holiday World, Santa Claus, Indiana

Everyone run Nasai has the lighter fluid!

The Coasterbuzz Fall Affair at Holiday World, Santa Claus, Indiana

The thing that I love about events is not the fact that I can get beyond insane rides on coasters.  I love getting together with people of completely different backgrounds some who I haven't met before but because we have a common interest by the end of the day we're all family.  I just can't wait until me and my family of coaster enthusiasts get together once again because those times are some of the best in life.

 Thank you to Jeff over at Coasterbuzz and everyone at Holiday World for putting on the event and thank you to everyone that runs and works on both The Raven and Legend for blowing even me away with the fantastic rides that I got on Saturday night.

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Paul B. Drabek