Holiday World & Splashin' Safari
Santa Claus, Indiana
Splashin' Safari 2003
Page Eight

Bond Playing In The Wave @ Splashin' Safari

If we ever want to make sure Bond goes to bed the best thing to do is take Bond over to Splashin' Safari and let him play until exhaustion before coming home.  Trust me, he loves every second of it.

Bond Playing In The Wave @ Splashin' Safari

The only problem with Bond and The Wave is he has no fear of the water and when the waves get going he tries to get past Carrie and I out into the deep water so it's going to be swimming lessons for him in the near future.

Watubee & Otorongo @ Splashin' Safari

Watubee and Otorongo are calling you.

Watubee @ Splashin' Safari

Watubee is a water slide but instead of a tube you and up to three of your friends and family slide on down in a raft.


Copyright 1999 - 2025

Paul B. Drabek