Scarecrow's Scrambler and it's new queue @ Holiday World & Splashin' Safari

On crowded days the line from Scarecrow's Scrambler always fed out into the midway but that problem should be fixed with it's extended queue.

Expanded space at Goblin Burgers, Holiday World & Splashin' Safari

Not only are they expanding queues at Holiday World but they have made sure that their guests have even more space to sit down and relax with the expanded seating area at Goblin Burgers.

Old Urinals @ Holiday World & Splashin' Safari

Several years ago when Holiday World expanded their front gate they added waterless urinals to the new men's bathroom.  Well it looks like they are ripping the old urinals out of the rest of the park and replacing them with waterless ones.  Waterless urinals work just fine and actually save the environment by not using all that water to flush.

Legend Cars and Hallowswings @ Holiday World & Splashin' Safari

Not all of the Legend's cars are on the track but they will soon be!  Also notice Hallowswings in the background, we'll have more pictures of it a little later.


Copyright 1999 - 2023

Paul B. Drabek