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Hersheypark, Hershey, Pennsylvania

Here are John and Draven taking in the front seat of Storm Runner.

Hersheypark, Hershey, Pennsylvania

Fahrenheit looks really cool against the night sky.

The Farenheit Roller Coaster at Hersheypark, Hershey, Pennsylvania

We tend to gravitate to the back seat of most coasters for our first rides but as we moved through Hersheypark camping out on rides as the evening progressed we made sure to hop in line for the front as well.

The Farenheit Roller Coaster at Hersheypark, Hershey, Pennsylvania

I'm not sure why Fahrenheit was named that but I kind of wonder if someone in the marketing department picked that name as the vertical lift hill it has looks like a thermometer.

The Comet Roller Coaster at Hersheypark, Hershey, Pennsylvania

The Comet was great in the day time but turn out the sun, turn on the tracer lights and have the trains and track all warmed up and ready to go after a long day of running and you have an amazing night ride.


Copyright 1999 - 2025

Paul B. Drabek