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The Steel Force Roller Coaster at Dorney Park, Allentown, Pennsylvania

The path through the woods and structure of Thunderhawk leads you to the top dog, big cheese and head honcho of Dorney Park's coaster world and that is Steel Force.

The Steel Force Roller Coaster at Dorney Park, Allentown, Pennsylvania

Steel Force was a monumental addition to Dorney Park when it opened in 1997.

The Steel Force Roller Coaster at Dorney Park, Allentown, Pennsylvania

Back then Steel Force was the longest, tallest and fastest coaster on the East Coast. 

The Steel Force Roller Coaster at Dorney Park, Allentown, Pennsylvania

While there are faster and taller coasters in the region that have surpassed Steel Force it is still the longest at over a mile in length.

The Steel Force Roller Coaster at Dorney Park, Allentown, Pennsylvania

Steel Force starts it all out with a two hundred foot tall lift hill with a two hundred and five foot drop that takes you to seventy-five miles an hour.


Copyright 1999 - 2025

Paul B. Drabek