Pigeon Forge, Tennessee
August 6, 2010
Page Seven

Dollyood, Pigeon Forge, Tennessee

Here we all are in our little room taking a break from the park and girding ourselves for some serious riding that was ahead.

Dollyood, Pigeon Forge, Tennessee

Corey took a while using the facilities and with the fact that he is the baby of the group (Bond is older maturity wise) we decided it be appropriate if Corey had a high chair.  Like the baby of the group he threw a temper tantrum.

Dollyood, Pigeon Forge, Tennessee

After lunch we each spent some of the best six dollars of our park lives by purchasing a Q Bot Virtual Queue for the day.  Unlike everywhere else these do not cost an arm and a leg at Dollywood and with Josh's season pass discount it ended up costing us just $6 a person.  So for the cost of a meal at McDonalds we didn't have to wait in line at all.  Pretty sweet.  Get one when you go.

Timber Tower has been down for a while this year with some mechanical issues but it was amusing to find it listed indefinitely down in the Q Bot.

The Mystery Mine Rollercoaster at Dollyood, Pigeon Forge, Tennessee

After walking through Mystery Mine that morning and Bond having never been on it we were off to take him for a ride through the mine. 

The best thing about the Q Bot is after we rode something we'd queue up another ride and by the time we walked there it was time to ride so we didn't have to wait at all.  It got almost a couple of dozen rides on Mystery Mine throughout the day.


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Paul B. Drabek