Pigeon Forge, Tennessee
August 6, 2010
Page Thirteen

The Dizzy Disk at Dollyood, Pigeon Forge, Tennessee

The Dizzy Disk is a Zamperla Disk-O type ride that from what the guys say is pretty fun.

The Dizzy Disk at Dollyood, Pigeon Forge, Tennessee

Corey has something in his ear, Alabama Mike has something in his mouth, Todd has something in his nose and Bond and Paul loved the Dizzy Disc enough to throw up the horns.

Dollyood, Pigeon Forge, Tennessee

Sky Rider is a modern version of the old Flying Scooters ride where you fly around and have a little control over your cabin with an aerofoil.  I turned over the controls over to Bond and we dove and climbed our way around and around.

Dollyood, Pigeon Forge, Tennessee

Tennessee Mike, Bond and Josh needed the Veggie Tales credit so they, well everyone but Bond squeezed into the cars and got another coaster for their count.


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Paul B. Drabek