The Coney Island Cyclone
Coney Island
Brooklyn, New York
Saturday August 1, 2009
Page Eighteen
Before the Cyclone there were two coasters with one extreme moment
of airtime in their back seats that terrified me. The Cyclops at Mount
Olympus has one of those drops and the first drop of the Boardwalk Bullet
at the Kemah Boardwalk both whip you over and slam you down. Those
coasters have one moment like that, the Cyclone has them on each and every
hill, front seat or back.
By this point in the ride there were no hands in the air from all of us
coaster riding maniacs. We were pretty much just hanging on for dear
life. It was great.
Good, Lord you must think that I'm a masochist but trust me, I'm not.
The Cyclone is just an awesome rumble by the shore. There's that Mellencamp
song "Hurts so good". Well the Cyclone is the same way.
Just look at the faces of everyone on the train, pure fear and terror.
The Cyclone is one of those things that you will always remember and you'll
be thankful that you are still around after getting off of it.