Chippewa Lake Park
Chippewa Lake, Ohio
October 7, 2002
Page Five

The Abandoned Chippewa Lake Amusement Park, Chippewa Lake, Ohio

How much is it to ride the coaster?  Do you have tickets or pay one price?  Do you happen to take credit cards?

The Abandoned Chippewa Lake Amusement Park, Chippewa Lake, Ohio

I know a few years ago there used to be lettering over the station as well as a car on the track but people have made off with these.

The Abandoned Chippewa Lake Amusement Park, Chippewa Lake, Ohio

I don't think the station is ADA accessible.

The Abandoned Chippewa Lake Amusement Park, Chippewa Lake, Ohio

It looked like there was just this one ramp up into the station as well as out of it so there probably wasn't a huge wait for the Big Dipper.'s not the best thing to go into structures that have been not cared for since the 1970' your step as some of the floorboards are rotten through.


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Paul B. Drabek