Cedar Point
Sandusky, Ohio
June 13 & 14, 2023
Page Fifteen

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The Magtnum XL-200 Rollercoaster at Cedar Point, Sandusky, Ohio

With Magnum all about speed and airtime there are plenty of hills to send you flying up against the restraints.

The Magnum XL-200 Roller Coaster at Cedar Point, Sandusky, Ohio

Magnum actually leaves the park part of Cedar Point, it goes over the parks service road, wraps around the Cedar Point Shores waterpark, makes a dog leg along the shore of Lake Erie before turning around and heading back the way it came.

The Magnum XL-200 rollercoaster at Cedar Point, Sandusky, Ohio

To get a good look at Magnum head out onto the beach and take the pathway towards the campground to get a good off ride views.

The Magnum XL-200 Rollercoaster at   Cedar Point, Sandusky, Ohio

When Magnum opened in May of 1989 it shattered three worlds records.

The Magnum XL-200 roller coaster at Cedar Point, Sandusky, Ohio

First it was the worlds tallest complete circuit coaster.  Second it had the worlds longest drop.  Finally it was the fastest coaster in the world.


Copyright 1999 - 2025

Paul B. Drabek