Cedar Point
Sandusky, Ohio
May 27 & 28 2010
Page Twenty-One

The Wicked Twister Roller Coaster at Cedar Point, Sandusky, Ohio

Here's Mike getting shot out on Wicked Twister.

The Wicked Twister Roller Coaster at Cedar Point, Sandusky, Ohio

When we shot straight up into the spiral I heard Bond hooting and hollering next to me  I knew he finally got this type of coaster.

The Wicked Twister Roller Coaster at Cedar Point, Sandusky, Ohio

Of course then we sped up the back spike and had absolutely nothing between us and the ground straight ahead he loved that as well.  What was nice was that mid-afternoon with no one in this part of the park you can ride, get off and walk back on as many times as you want.

The Disaster Transport Roller Coaster at Cedar Point, Sandusky, Ohio

Have you ever wanted to see the inside of Disaster Transport?  Well we wandered over to get a ride after spending some time on MaxAir and Wicked Twister we found Disaster Transport down.  Looking up we saw this door open.  So here's one of Disaster Transport's sleds on it's way to it's lift.


Copyright 1999 - 2025

Paul B. Drabek