Cedar Point

Coaster-Mania 2000

Sandusky, Ohio

Page Ten


Cedar Point, Sandusky, Ohio

I thought I'd take a break in showing the rides and show some enthusiasts instead.  Here is a photo of my neighbor Jake and I riding Woodstock's Express which is a wicked twisting kiddy coaster.  Definitely the kind of a ride to warm them up to the bigger coasters on.

Cedar Point, Sandusky, Ohio

Hey, hey we're the Monkees.

Cedar Point, Sandusky, Ohio

And here Robb Alvey shows the proper way of storing your little one after a day at the park. :-)


Click here for more Cedar Point 2000 pictures.


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All pictures on this site have been taken by me or my wife Carrie.  Please do not use without permission but ask and chances are I'll give it to you!

Copyright 1999 - 2025

Paul B. Drabek