Charlotte, North Carolina
August 5, 2010
Page Three

Intimidator at Carowinds, Charlotte, North Carolina

Sitting in the back seat you just fly over the top of Intimidator's lift hill.  A quick burst of airtime is just about the perfect way to get any ride started if you ask me.

Intimidator at Carowinds, Charlotte, North Carolina

There are two hundred and eleven feet of elevation that you fall between the top and bottom of Intimidator's first drop.  At the bottom you're flying along at seventy five miles per hour and that's where it starts to get really fun.

Intimidator at Carowinds, Charlotte, North Carolina

The second hill/turnaround quickly became my favorite part of this ride.  You go speeding up it to quickly find gravity going away giving you plenty of negative g forces.

Intimidator at Carowinds, Charlotte, North Carolina

As you're flying over it suddenly you take a quick turn to the right and start to spiral earthward. 


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Paul B. Drabek