Busch Gardens Tampa
Tampa, Florida
January 28 2013
Page Twenty-Six

The Cheetah Hunt Roller Coaster at Busch Gardens Tampa, Tampa, Florida

You can get some amazing views of Cheetah case during your time on the Sky Ride. 

The Cheetah Hunt Roller Coaster at Busch Gardens Tampa, Tampa, Florida

With the day coming to a close the question is what to end it on?  The answer was pretty as such a fun ride as it is: Cheetah Hunt.  Here's Mike and Brian taking it for a ride.  Brian giggles like a little girl on coasters...it's something that everyone should experience.

The Cheetah Hunt Roller Coaster at Busch Gardens Tampa, Tampa, Florida

After many rides I have to say that Cheetah Hunt is now my favorite coaster by Intamin.  Yes it is even better than Cedar Point's Millennium Force.  Both have speed and air but Cheetah Hunt doesn't leave you at the end thinking "hey there should be another 1.000 feet of track to this ride".  It uses every joule of energy it has to the maximum and hits the station when it's done.  I know there are many Millie fans out there gasping at the thought that Millie isn't the best but sorry for me it is Cheetah Hunt all the way.

The Cheetah Hunt Roller Coaster at Busch Gardens Tampa, Tampa, Florida

Here is Bond and Mike headed out on Cheetah Hunt for one more ride.

The Cheetah Hunt Roller Coaster at Busch Gardens Tampa, Tampa, Florida

Thank you to Brian, Bond, Mike and Carrie for making this one of the best birthdays that I have had.  If I had my way I'd spend the next fifty or sixty January 28ths at Busch Gardens ringing in another year.

Busch Gardens Tampa Bay was better than I remembered it and now I can't wait to go back.  This time though the wait won't be so long.

Busch Gardens Tampa Bay Index


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Paul B. Drabek