Busch Gardens Europe
Williamsburg, Virginia
August 4, 2010
Page Eighteen

The Grovers Alpine Express Roller Coaster at Busch Gardens Europe, Williamsburg, Virginia

Being his coaster Grover gets to ride in the front seat every time.

 Busch Gardens Europe, Williamsburg, Virginia

After Grover's Alpine Express we were let loose to explore the rest of Busch Gardens.  While walking around I saw this place and thought of Greg who sadly couldn't make this trip.

 Busch Gardens Europe, Williamsburg, Virginia

Looking around it's easy to see why Busch Gardens Europe keeps winning the Golden Ticket Award for best Landscaped Park year after year.

Busch Gardens Europe, Williamsburg, Virginia

Unfortunately all that remains of the Big Bad Wolf, a coaster I dreamt about riding since I as a little kid is a few footers and an empty station building.  The word is there will be a coaster on this site in 2012 and the reason they didn't remove these footers is that they might still be needed for the new ride.


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Paul B. Drabek