Beech Bend Park
Bowling Green, Kentucky
July 28, 2005
Page Six

The Super Slide at Beech Bend Park In Bowling Green, Kentucky

Ahhh, the Super Slide.  When I was a kid I never passed these up when carnivals came into town.

The Super Slide at Beech Bend Park In Bowling Green, Kentucky

Actually I never pass them up as an adult even though the stairs are quite a bit tighter now.

The Super Slide at Beech Bend Park In Bowling Green, Kentucky

Bliss, just pure bliss.  Slides like the Super Slide are pure fun and never fail to bring a huge grin to my face.  When I'm done I want to run up those stairs and go for another slide.

The Bumper Cars at Beech Bend Park In Bowling Green, Kentucky

Beech Bend has adult and child sized bumper cars.  I like how the child sized ones share the same floor as the adult ones, just with a little divider between them.


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Paul B. Drabek