Beech Bend Park
Bowling Green, Kentucky
July 4, 2002
Page Six

Beech Bend Amusement Park, Bowling Green, Kentucky

Another new for 2002 ride is the Power Surge.

Beech Bend Amusement Park, Bowling Green, Kentucky

The Power Surge is basically a Ferris Wheel on crack.  You spin in several different directions all at once and depending on how you and your riding partner (or lack of one) are balanced you may spin a bunch more.

Beech Bend Amusement Park, Bowling Green, Kentucky

I got some really wicked twists and turns on it and I surprisingly made it through the ride feeling fine without being on motion sickness medication.  I'm glad to see Beech Bend investing in building up.  I spoke to several people at the park who said that the owner has plans to add about 15 new rides for next year and would eventually like to add a wooden coaster.


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Paul B. Drabek