Beech Bend Park
Bowling Green, Kentucky
July 4, 2002
Page Ten

Beech Bend Amusement Park, Bowling Green, Kentucky

The Flying Bobs send you forward and backward around and around!  No matter where I see these rides they always have a great stereo system playing music for the riders. The ride op at Beech Bend was even taking requests which I thought was cool.

Beech Bend Amusement Park, Bowling Green, Kentucky

These little kiddy rides are a blast from the past for me!  They used to have these at Old Chicago and I'd always get on them when I was there.  Yes they're cheesy but when I was a kid they were plenty of fun.

Beech Bend Amusement Park, Bowling Green, Kentucky

Speaking of rides for little ones Beech Bend has just about as many rides for children as they do for adults.


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Paul B. Drabek