Bay Beach Amusement Park & The Zippin Pippin
Green Bay, Wisconsin
July 20, 2011
Page Ten

Bay Beach Amusement Park, Green Bay Wisconsin

I am not a Ferris Wheel fan with my legendary aversion to rocking but I was wanting to take this one for a spin. 

Bay Beach Amusement Park, Green Bay Wisconsin

Actually I wanted to ride the Yo Yo as well but the heat really started taking it's toll on us so we grabbed a soda, and headed back to the Zippin Pippin for a couple of more rides before retreating to the blissful air conditioning in our van.

The Zippin Pippin rollercoaster at Bay Beach Amusement Park, Green Bay Wisconsin

Out in front of the Zippin Pippin sits one of the rides old cars from Libertyland.  The car is just sitting there on a platform so anyone can climb in or all around to check it out.  Hopefully they add a little pavilion for this to sit in,  maybe with some historical information about the ride and Libertyland.

The Zippin Pippin rollercoaster at Bay Beach Amusement Park, Green Bay Wisconsin

Here's a shot of the car's undercarriage for all of you coaster geeks like me.


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Paul B. Drabek