Alabama Adventure
Bessmer, Alabama
May 27, 2011
Page Six

The Zoomerang Roller Coaster at Alabama Adventure, Bessmer, Alabama

Even though I don't like rides like Zoomerang I do understand why parks, especially smaller parks buy them.  It's because having a looping coaster since the 1970's has been the big intense thing at any park.  They're visually attractive and come with a big "oohhhh and ahhhhh" factor for the general public.

The Zoomerang Roller Coaster at Alabama Adventure, Bessmer, Alabama

I have a brave son because Bond rode Zoomerang twice, once in the back seat and here in the front seat.

The Zoomerang Roller Coaster at Alabama Adventure, Bessmer, Alabama

After a ride Josh isn't feeling like living and Mike has some serious neck problems.

The Zoomerang Roller Coaster at Alabama Adventure, Bessmer, Alabama

And Todd...well you guess how Zoomerang made him feel?


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Paul B. Drabek