Altoona, Iowa
September 6, 2008
Page Three
I do not do on ride photography much because at most parks it is against
the rules. Well I checked out the rules at Adventureland and there
was no prohibition of it and when I asked the ride operators they told me
that I had to take my camera with me and that it was ok to use so I snapped
this nice view from the top of the Tornado's first hill for you.
At about this point in my first ride on Tornado the thought that raced through
my synapses was that the Tornado wasn't this smooth or fast the last time.
At this point speed and the shape of the track sent my posterior skyward
with some fantastic negative g's which did definitely not happen when I
rode the Tornado in 2000.
Would the Tornado disappoint? Heck no it flew over the tracks and
kept giving me airtime after airtime.