Worlds of Fun
Kansas City, Missouri
August 20, 2017
Page Five

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Worlds of Fun, Kansas City, Missouri

A Troika has three arms that spin around clockwise each with a spinning pod of cars that rotates counterclockwise while the arms tilt up.  I think the easiest way to describe the ride experience is that of a Scrambler turned on its side with airtime.  Mustang Runner is lots of fun and as long as the ride cycle isn't too long it is a spinner that I can really enjoy.

Worlds of Fun, Kansas City, Missouri

Mustang Runner came from Scotland's defunct Loudown Castle Theme Park that closed in 2010 and I hope Cedar Fair keeps sending out "ride pickers" to find more classics to restore and make homes in their parks.

Worlds of Fun, Kansas City, Missouri

Another great addition to Worlds of Fun is the Woodstock's Gliders.  I am a huge fan of Flying Scooter rides, even the modern ones designed by Larson International like this.   Flying around and around climbing and diving is just a lot of fun.  My only complaint is this should not be buried in Worlds of Fun's Planet Snoopy kids area as it is a ride for all.

Worlds of Fun, Kansas City, Missouri

Woodstock's Gliders and the super cute Beagle Brigade Airfield were added to Worlds of Fun in 2016.

Worlds of Fun, Kansas City, Missouri

The Beagle Brigade Airfield is a Zamperla Flying Tigers ride.  These are just so cute and Bond used to love rides like this when he was little. 


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Paul B. Drabek