Worlds of Fun
Kansas City, Missouri
August 3, 2012
Page Two

Worlds of Fun, Kansas City, Missouri

Another way to deal with the heat is to head into a store and do a little browsing.  Those air conditioning units that blow a wall of air conditioned air down from above doors like here will get you nice and cooled off.

Worlds of Fun, Kansas City, Missouri

Todd (aka: Gump) and Travis from Louisville grabbed Greg in St. Louis and met up with us at Worlds of Fun for the day.  Todd wanted to give the Finnish Fling a ride.  If you've ever wanted to spin around and stick to a wall then this ride is for you.  For me it made me queasy just looking at it for a second.

The Patriot Roller Coaster at Worlds of Fun, Kansas City, Missouri

Patriot, Prowler and Mamba are the rides that really make Worlds of Fun shine so our plan was to ride them as much as possible after we got the "WOF Newbies" (Mike, Todd and Travis) all of their coasters.

The Patriot Roller Coaster at Worlds of Fun, Kansas City, Missouri

Thanks to the heat it was empty at Worlds of Fun.  By empty I mean the rides had no wait except for Prowler and the only reason for that was that it was running only one train due to some sort of mechanical issue.  So we'd head to a ride, pick a seat and stay there for four or five rides without getting off before heading to another one.


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Paul B. Drabek