Worlds Of Fun
Kansas City, Missouri
April 1, 2010
Page Two

The Prowler Rollercoaster at World's Of Fun, Kansas City, Missouri

Prowler is just a fast and furious run through the woods but this stretch of track is where the ride really shines.

The Prowler Rollercoaster at World's Of Fun, Kansas City, Missouri

Bam, BAm and BAM!  Three successive pops of kick in the rear airtime is Prowler at it's best.  I've heard a few people who haven't been on Prowler badmouth this ride but I'd lay money on the table that after speeding over this bit that they'd change their tune.  Just look at the people on the train, no disappointed looks, just a big grin on everyone's faces, well except for the kid praying in the front seat.   He's probably saying "Thank you God for this ride and those who built it".

World's Of Fun, Kansas City, Missouri

We grabbed a couple of laps on Prowler before continuing on our loop of the park.  One of the things we came to in the African section was this new "Junkyard Dog's" restaurant.  How does a junkyard factor into the African jungle?  I'm a little confused by this.

World's Of Fun, Kansas City, Missouri

Here is Worlds of Fun's big addition for 2010...Christmas lights.  Kind of disappointing sounding right?  Well I'm actually kind of excited about it.  From the looks of it they're pretty much covering the whole park in lights.  If you've been around Worlds of Fun, especially in the African section and the back of the park it's very dark at night so it should look pretty magical and cool all lit up.  I expect little kids are going to love it. 


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Paul B. Drabek