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While I am
putting these words to my photos it has been a
month since Daredevil Daze and I am still geeking out about all of
the work that is going into bringing the Grand Ole Carousel back to

One of the things that I did ask/suggest was that the park film the
process and document it for a book. There is a possibility of
a local channel doing a documentary and they are certainly moving
forward with getting a book put together not only on the restoration
but the entire carousel as well.
Yes it has been twenty years since I started going to guest
relations and posting on here about how this gem of a ride needed to
be polished but I am thrilled beyond belief that it is finally
happening. There is no way my words are the ones that made Six
Flags get the wheels turning but hopefully they helped move it
Now we need to get through the next two years of work so once again
the Grand Ole Carousel can be truly grand.

Back to the coasters American Thunder was flying and a blast as

It also looks great from over on the Log Flume's exit platform.

With the up close and in your face terrors of Fright Fest not a good
idea in this year of our pandemic Six Flags is switching to
Hallowfest which from the smart ass decorations is going to be more
of a family friendly and socially distanced Halloween event.
Copyright 1999 - 2025
Paul B. Drabek