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The New Texas Giant Rollercoaster at Six Flags Over Texas, Arlington, Texas

In the fall of 2009 the old Texas Giant had beaten up and bruised its last victim as Six Flags announced that the ride was going to be reborn.  No longer was it going to be a traditional wood coaster with layered wood covered up with a thin rail of steel for a track.  The "New" Texas Giant was going steel.

The New Texas Giant Rollercoaster at Six Flags Over Texas, Arlington, Texas

Rocky Mountain Construction was called upon to do the renovation, something the coaster world really hadn't seen before on such a "giant" scale as this ride is.

The New Texas Giant Rollercoaster at Six Flags Over Texas, Arlington, Texas

It took Rocky Mountain and designer Alan Shilke eighteen months to make the Texas Giant new again.  With all steel track, a massively re-profiled layout and extremely cool Cadillac convertible looking trains by Gerstlauer Texas got a new Giant.

The New Texas Giant Rollercoaster at Six Flags Over Texas, Arlington, Texas

So what did we think of the New Texas Giant?  Loved it!

The New Texas Giant Rollercoaster at Six Flags Over Texas, Arlington, Texas

The layout is unpredictable and filled with negative-g's.  You are thrown for a twist around every turn and by the time the train speeds into the brake run some 4,200 feet after leaving the station we both wanted-no, needed more.


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Paul B. Drabek