Six Flags Great America
Gurnee, Illinois
May 23, 2008
Page Five

Six Flags Great America, Gurnee, Illinois

Before heading to Vertical Velocity which was the next coaster on our list Kevin and Ingrid needed to have a smoke.  Being used to the whole smoke free park routine from living at Holiday World for so many years I knew the drill which was to find the nearest smoking area.  At Six Flags Great America they're not hard to find since they all have a nice big blue sign like this.

Six Flags Great America, Gurnee, Illinois

Ok, Six Flags Great America is a massive park that serves two metropolitan areas and is almost always packed and this dinky little area is the largest smoking area in the park.  Come on Six Flags this is ridiculous.  I mean on a packed day at the park this 18x20 foot area has to be just wall to wall smokers.  You might as well add a queue for it with ride ops kicking people out after their one smoke.  Hey wait a second they could sell a Flash Pass or maybe a dedicated "Smoke Pass" for it and make a fortune.

Six Flags Great America, Gurnee, Illinois

Kevin get your foot behind the blue line or the smoking police are going to come and get you.

I am not a smoker.  I hate the smell of smoke plus it gives me a migraine but these dinky little smoking areas have to be a nightmare when the park is at capacity or even at half that number.  So here's an idea, sell cigarettes at Six Flags, charge double what you need for them and take that cash to pay for a decent sized smoking area like Holiday World has.  Then fill the smoking areas with anti-smoking ads and pamphlets from the American Lung Association.  You'll be taking care of your smoking customers as well as providing a perfect place for a public service message.

The Vertical Velocity Rolelrcoaster at Six Flags Great America, Gurnee, Illinois

Ok, I 'm off my soapbox now back to the coasters.


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Paul B. Drabek