Silver Dollar City
Branson, Missouri
World Fest 2013
April 19-21, 2013
Page Five

The new Outlaw Run Looping Wooden Coaster at Silver Dollar City, Branson, Missouri

One of these days I'm going to get underneath Outlaw Run to show you more of the ride that I couldn't from inside of the park.  But without all of the leaves on the trees you can see part of Outlaw Run's signature element which is the double heart line roll finale.

The new Outlaw Run Looping Wooden Coaster at Silver Dollar City, Branson, Missouri

The heart line roll goes up hill and in the second roll Outlaw Run is just starting to run out of energy and in the back seat you just hang there with your arms dangling towards the ground with nothing holding you in but the lap bar.  Some of you might be inclined at that point to hold on for dear life but Bond and I just like to let go and enjoy it all.

The new Outlaw Run Looping Wooden Coaster  at Silver Dollar City, Branson, Missouri

Outlaw Run has to be the most aggressively designed coaster since the fly by the seat of your pants designs of Harry Traver back in the 1930's.  Back then if a rider was thrown from your coaster and died then you'd modify it a little bit and reopen it.   Maybe it worked and maybe it didn't.  Instead of pencil, paper and a lot of luck Outlaw Run was designed and built with computer aided design, precision cut track bent to exacting standards by the twisted genius of Alan Schilke and everyone else at Rocky Mountain Construction. 

Look at the people on Outlaw Run as it rolls into the brake run.  Everyone has a huge smile on their faces and it is not just the young or the coaster crazies who were loving the ride as everyone of all ages who got in line, took a seat and were locked in for the duration were blown away.

The new Outlaw Run Looping Wooden Coaster at Silver Dollar City, Branson, Missouri

People were just going nuts for Outlaw Run and what was interesting to see is regular folk (aka: non coaster geeks) going all coaster geek.  They were coming up the exit ramp taking pictures, they were shooting pictures of the ride over the fences and even going into the Trailblazer pass line in order to be able to get a look at and take pictures of the heart line roll.  People were just so amazed by Outlaw Run they wanted to get as close to it as possible to just see the layout, just to hear the screams and just to see another trainload of riders speed by with huge grins on their faces. 

Silver Dollar City needs to build some sort of viewing platform so that guests can get a look at Outlaw Run going through the heart line roll because just stand around the ride for a few minutes and you'll see people looking over fences, standing on benches and doing whatever they can to get a look at Outlaw Run.

The new Outlaw Run Looping Wooden Coaster at Silver Dollar City, Branson, Missouri

Dealing with outlaws is serious business and that is the reason Kyle looks so stern here. 

Besides being one of Outlaw Run's awesome ride operators at Silver Dollar City, Kyle is also a big fan of Negative-G.  He does a great job there so when you visit to take Outlaw Run for a spin make sure you say hi from a fellow Negative-G reader to Kyle.


Copyright 1999 - 2025

Paul B. Drabek