Silver Dollar City
Branson, Missouri
March 25 & 26, 2011
Page Fourteen

The Wildfire Roller Coaster at Silver Dollar City, Branson, Missouri

Way down the hill beneath Wildfire sits Table Rock Lake.  It's a heck of a drop down there and I wonder how much of that land Silver Dollar City owns because I'd love to see a massive Voyage like wooden rollercoaster dropping down there.  Something like that would make not just us coaster nuts stand up and notice but the rest of the world as well.

The Wildfire Roller Coaster at Silver Dollar City, Branson, Missouri

Loop, loop and loop we went on Wildfire until...

The Powder Keg Roller Coaster at Silver Dollar City, Branson, Missouri

...until we had to head back to Powder Keg for one more ride there before the park closed.

The Powder Keg Roller Coaster at Silver Dollar City, Branson, Missouri

Getting blasted out was a fantastic way to end off a fantastic kick off to a coaster season.  What was great is that we were only half the way through our visit to Silver Dollar City.  Keep on reading as we have more adventures to go.


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Paul B. Drabek