Trimper's Rides & Jolly Roger
Ocean City, Maryland
May 9, 2009
Page One

The Boardwalk at Ocean City, MD

In May of 2005 I got to go to Maryland's Eastern Shore for work and one evening I had the chance to head on over to nearby Ocean City for a stroll along the boardwalk and around a couple of the local amusement parks.

The Beach at Ocean City, MD

Ocean City like many seaside communities is built up right next to the beach.

Pier Rides at Ocean City, MD

You've got to love the view of a seaside amusement park built out over the beach.

The Boardwalk at Ocean City, MD

You can't have a boardwalk without the boards.  As you can see from my long shadow I didn't have a lot of light left before night came.


Copyright 1999 - 2025

Paul B. Drabek