Lakemont Park & The Island
Altoona, Pennsylvania
July 11, 2015
Page Six
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Lakemont is one of two parks in the world with a Toboggan coaster.
A Toboggan is a portable roller coaster designed by Chance Manufacturing
that has an extremely compact layout and completely claustrophobic cars.
This info plate on the Toboggan says that the cars can hold "two adults
or four children".
I seriously doubt you could fit two adults in these as when Bond and
I rode the one at
Amerricka when Bond was 11 the two of us barely squeezed in there.
As for four children I'm not sure if you could fit four in there but any
states Department of Children & Family would probably investigate you
for abuse if you did so.
The Toboggan had the first vertical lift hill that goes straight up the
tube that the ride is built around. As this is a portable ride the
tube/lift would pivot down onto the rides trailer for transportation.