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The Le Monstre Rollercoaster at La Ronde, Montreal, Quebec

The big ride that I was looking forward to at La Ronde is this giant coaster that hovers over a large portion of La Ronde's east end.

The Le Monstre Rollercoaster at La Ronde, Montreal, Quebec

Le Monstre is a twin tracked racing/dueling coaster that has been "the ride" at la Ronde since 1985.

The le Monstre Rollercoaster at La Ronde, Montreal, Quebec

One of the big things attendees at Le Monstre Showdown were given was a behind the scenes tour of Le Monstre.

The Le Monstre Rollercoaster at La Ronde, Montreal, Quebec

All of us headed deep into Le Monstre's structure to check out this ride.

The Le Monstre Rollercoaster at La Ronde, Montreal, Quebec

Le Monstre has an elongated figure 8 layout that its two tracks work their way around.  At both ends of the ride are a bowl section of track for the rides helices and these chains connected to a central pole help reduce lateral strain on the structure.


Copyright 1999 - 2025

Paul B. Drabek