Paramount's Kings Island Kings Mills, Ohio Son Of Beast 2000 Page Eight
When you're finished with the loop the Son of Beast still isn't through with you...there's still a helix and some more track to come.
Sonny likes to twist in and out of itself which makes for some interesting visuals.
Son of Beast ends with the helix and some great hills and dips before hitting the brakes! I really didn't expect much from Son of Beast because of hearing about it's early roughness but I was more than pleasantly surprised by it's smoothness and intensity! If you're one of the early riders who didn't like it and if you haven't yet met the spawn of the Beast get to Ohio and ride.
I'd like to thank Jeffery Siebert of Paramount's Kings Island for the back stage tour of Son of Beast and everyone at Kings Island for the great ride.
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All pictures on this site have been taken by my wife Carrie or myself. Please do not use without permission but ask and chances are I'll give it to you. Copyright 1996-2009 Paul B. Drabek Copyright 1996-2010 |