Joyland Amusement Park
Wichita, Kansas
July 19, 2013
Page Six

The Roller Coaster at the Abandoned Joyland Amusement Park, Wichita, Kansas

Bond ended up shedding a few tears over what had became of Joyland. 

The Abandoned Joyland Amusement Park, Wichita, Kansas

It is a hard lesson to learn but the things that you love don't always last forever. 

The Roller Coaster at the Abandoned Joyland Amusement Park, Wichita, Kansas

What I told him is that we have to get everything out of what we have. 

The Roller Coaster at the Abandoned Joyland Amusement Park, Wichita, Kansasi

Get everything you can out of what life gives you.

The Roller Coaster at the Abandoned Joyland Amusement Park, Wichita, Kansas

Get everything out of every experience you can...

The Roller Coaster at the Abandoned Joyland Amusement Park, Wichita, Kansas

...and enjoy every nanosecond of what you love and and do it with the people that you do.

One day Joyland will rise again and Bond and I will be there living the lesson he learned that day standing in the weeds around a slowly rotting coaster.


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Paul B. Drabek