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Idlewild Park, Ligonier, PA

Idewild is not a park full of massive scream machines.  Instead it is a pretty laid back place geared mostly to families with stuff for kids to ride, run through and climb up all over the property.

Idlewild Park, Ligonier, PA

Before coming to Idlewild I had a few people mention to not miss Confusion Hill.

Idlewild Park, Ligonier, PA

Confusion Hill is a rare walk through fun house and if you are into dark rides this is a favorite.

Idlewild Park, Ligonier, PA

Confusion Hill starts out by cramming you and about twenty other park guests into the spacious and luxurious lobby of the aptly named "The Hotel".

Idlewild Park, Ligonier, PA

You see the proprietors of "The Hotel" had a moonshine still located nearby and I think they drank way too much while framing out "The Hotel" as nothing is quite square.


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Paul B. Drabek

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