Holiday World & Splashin' Safari
Santa Claus, Indiana
Splashin' Safari 2003
Page Eleven

Monsoon Lagoon @ Splashin' Safari

Of course with a name like Monsoon Lagoon you're bound to get completely soaked.

Monsoon Lagoon @ Splashin' Safari

There's plenty to do over at Monsoon Lagoon.  Bond loves exploring and playing with all the neat contraptions that also get him drenched.

Monsoon Lagoon @ Splashin' Safari

No matter where you go in Monsoon Lagoon you're bound to get wet sooner or later.

Monsoon Lagoon @ Splashin' Safari

Bond used to love just climbing up and then down but I got tired of climbing back down.  Bond protested a bit but I put him on a water slide and once we started sliding he was hooked!  Now we go to the park and in a couple of hours climb up and go down the slides twenty or more times.  It's actually a really good work out.


Copyright 1999 - 2025

Paul B. Drabek