Holiday World, Santa Claus, Indiana

Every summer there's one thing that many coaster enthusiasts dream of (including myself) and that's one of the best enthusiasts events of the year (the other is Phoenix Phall Phunfest) and that is Stark Raven Mad.  This year marked the debut of the Legend of Sleepy Hollow.  The Legend is a monster terrain coaster from Custom Coasters International who also created the wonderful Raven.   Here's the Legend's lift hill.

Holiday World, Santa Claus, Indiana

Of course with The Legend of Sleepy Hollow as inspiration the station had to be old Icabod Crane's school house.  The wonderful people at Holiday World even included a chalk board and school bell to get you ready for "class".

Holiday World, Santa Claus, Indiana

The Legend has a great swoop curve at the top of the lift to give you a nice thrill before sending you on an intense romp through the woods with the Headless Horseman in tow!  Remember...don't look back.

Holiday World, Santa Claus, Indiana

Here's a nice shot of the Legend from the Raven's station.  You can see the lift as well as the Legend's double helix with it's two wicked tunnels.


Copyright 1999 - 2025

Paul B. Drabek