The Coney Island Cyclone
Coney Island
Brooklyn,  New York
Saturday August 1, 2009
Page Fourteen

The Coney Island Cyclone at Coney Island, Brooklyn, New York

You know I wasn't going to get through Coney Island without hitting the Cyclone.  Heck, even  if I had to go all Clark Grizwald and hijack it with a BB Gun I was going to ride this coaster.

The Coney Island Cyclone at Coney Island, Brooklyn, New York

A visitor to Coney Island's Luna park in 1903 once said "Ah, God what might the prophet have written in Revelations, if only he had beheld a spectacle like this!"  While I'd go with the book of Genesis If I were saying that I can understand his awe and amazement when I look at the Cyclone. 

The Coney Island Cyclone at Coney Island, Brooklyn, New York

Forget the Pyramids, and the rest of the Seven Wonders of the World, the Cyclone is at the top of my list of wonders.

The Coney Island Cyclone at Coney Island, Brooklyn, New York

I remember the first time that I ever saw the Cyclone.  It was on the silver screen.  My Dad tried to take my sister and I to see Grease but it was sold out so we saw The Wiz instead and under the Cyclone is where Dorothy, played by Diana Ross, and Sacrecrow, played by Michael Jackson found the Tin Man.  I could care less for the rest of the movie but The Cyclone sure looked cool and I said that some day I was going to ride it.  This was that day.


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Paul B. Drabek