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Belmont Park, Mission Beach, San Diego, California

The San Diego Coaster Company was formed and after two million dollars in renovations the Giant Dipper after fourteen years of dormancy reopened to the public on August 11, 1990.

The Giant Dipper Rollercoaster at Belmont Park, Mission Beach, San Diego, California

It is rare that a coaster that was standing but not operating for so long was able to get a second lease at life.  It is all because a group of people saw the Giant Dipper as something more than just a ride.  Rides and parks are important.  All human beings need fun to exist.  Coasters are more than a couple of minutes of thrill.  They create memories, experiences, terror and they give us all a chance to blow off the stress that builds up from everyday life and have a little fun with family, old friends, new friends and strangers.

The Giant Dipper roller coaster at Belmont Park, Mission Beach, San Diego, California

Coasters are so many things.  They are engineering marvels.  They are terrifying experiences.  They are wonderful machines.  They are even works of art.  Those people in the Save the Coaster Committee took a stand for all of that keeping the Belmont Park Giant Dipper from being just another memory.

The Giant Dipper Roller Coaster at Belmont Park, Mission Beach, San Diego, California

With several revitalization efforts the Belmont Park of 2019 is thriving like never before.

The Giant Dipper Roller Coaster at Belmont Park, Mission Beach, San Diego, California

We were there on a Friday night and there was energy, excitement and life everywhere.  With restaurants, rides and entertainment from the young to the old Belmont Park was full of people.  As I said the first time I visited Belmont Park this is the perfect place to go on a warm summer night for a little bit of fun.


Copyright 1999 - 2024

Paul B. Drabek