Bay Beach Amusement Park &
The Zippin Pippin
Green Bay, Wisconsin
July 20, 2011
Page Four
I love the expressions on some of the riders. The little kid in the
green shirt is holding on for his life. What does not kill us
only makes us stronger so a white knuckle lap on the Zippin Pippin was good
for him.
I love the concept of a city park district owning and operating a coaster.
There used to be a lot of cities with a coaster in the middle of a city
park back in the 1920's and into the early 1930's. Who knows
maybe with the Zippin Pippin's success more municipalities will follow
Green Bay's lead and put in a few rides and maybe a coaster in their
parks. A nice wooden coaster, maybe a recreation of the Riverview
Bobs would fir just nicely in Chicago's Grant Park.
Those two girls in the front seat are future coaster enthusiasts.
They must have gotten two dozen rides on the Zippin Pippin while Bond and
I were there. They knew every inch of the track and were hard core.
There are a lot of hills on the Zippin Pippin and what's great is each
of them are filled with negative G's ranging from mild floating to massive
ejector seat airtime. For an eighty-eight year old design they really
knew how to make one heck of a ride back then.