Arnold's Park
Arnold's Park, Iowa
July 15, 2010
Page Fourteen
Arnolds Park has a nice little train that takes you around the park.
If you think the cars for the train look like coaster cars it's because
they almost are. You see the train was made by National Amusement
Devices who also designed coasters like the High Roller at Valleyfair which
we were headed to later in the day.
The train was a fun way to get off of our feet for a few.
After riding everything we wanted to we all headed back the the main attraction;
The Legend to get in our fill of rides on this great coaster.
Here's Bond and I thoroughly enjoying out final ride on The Legend.
While I hated the drive out here at some time in the future I think we're
going to have to come out here, get a room and ride this coaster late into
the night.
Arnolds Park was so cool we will be back.
If you're ever in the mood for some classic fun then head to Iowa and spend
some time at not just an Iowa classic but an American classic.